November 16, 2010

Music Is...The Police: Every Breath You Take - The Classics

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This type of record is known as a compilation album consisting of singles from other albums of the group or artist. Needless to say, The Police have racked up some hits that are definitely worth the recognition. Now I'm not telling you that you HAVE to listen to these songs, that you have to hear these great singles but, if nothing from The Police has pounded your ears just yet, I encourage you to start with this and then continue to familiarize yourself. The lable they were on, A&M, released this one in 1995. This compilation consist of a few singles that are revised a bit, but not at all to where it takes away the flavor. The majority of the singles where released during the late 70's to 80's. Though I've never listened to any of the individual records, I decided to look up the album each song was released on. 

"Can't Stand Loosing You"   Outlandos d' Amour
"Message In A Bottle"
"Walking On The Moon"   Reggatta de Blanc

"Don't Stand So Close To Me"
"De Do Do Do De Da Da Da"   Zenyatta Mondatta

"Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic"
 "Invisible Sun"
"Spirits in the Material World"   Ghost In The Machine

"Every Breath You Take"
"King Of Pain"
"Wrapped Around Your Finger"   Synchronicity
Though this was released in 95', I didn't fall in love with it until mid 2006 or so. Very rarely do I listen to a CD, and it turns out that I like the whole thing, well, I like the whole thing. I could nit-pick at little things here and there, but no song will go without that. Something about music from the 80's seems to have a certain sound to me. I can't really explain it, and it can't quite be duplicated. Personally, I could put on any one of these tracks during any point of the day and jam out and I find myself listening to Roxanne more often than any of them. It has to be among the most popular songs The Police have made but I like it for more than its popularity. To me, it's got this soft rock/reggae sound going on with it and I like that mix. Synesthetic too, for me every song is. I've mentioned that synethesia thing only once or twice if I'm right, and for those of you who know what I mean, I'd label this song red. Not because the lines, "Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light..." and "...Put on the red light" are repeated a few times over. Because of the meaning and how the melody fits the meaning. 

All in a nutshell, every song is awesome. Here are a few to listen to.

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